2025 Annual Meeting
May 28-30, 2025 - Athens, GA
Conference Agenda
​The conference will begin at 8:30 a.m. on Wednesday, May 28th, with an optional social on the evening of Tuesday, May 27th. The program will end at 1:30 p.m. on May 30th. Finally, the CED course will run from the afternoon of May 30th, through 12:00 p.m. on May 31st.
Tuesday, May 27
2:00 - 5:00 Body of Knowledge Workshop (more information below)
6:00 Social at Creature Comforts
Wednesday, May 28
8:20 - 9:00 Welcome & Opening Remarks
9:00 - 9:30 Keynotes
9:30 - 12:00 Concurrent Technical Sessions (with break)
12:00 - 1:30 Lunch
1:30 - 2:50 Concurrent Technical Sessions
3:00 - 5:00 Local Tours and Field Trips (Click here to learn more!)
5:30 - 6:30 Reception
6:30 - 9:30 Dinner and Awards (more information below)
Thursday, May 29
8:30 - 9:30 DCI & Environmental Justice Discussion
9:30 - 10:30 Workforce & Curriculum Development Session
10:45 - 12:00 Concurrent Technical Sessions
12:00 - 1:00 Lunch
1:00 - 3:45 Concurrent Technical Sessions (with break)
4:00 - 6:00 Poster Session
Friday, May 30
8:30 - 11:30 Concurrent Technical Sessions (with break)
11:45 - 1:30 Business Meeting Lunch (more information below)
1:30 - 5:00 CED/AED Workshop
Saturday, May 31
8:30 - 12:00 CED/AED Workshop
1:00 - 4:00 Paddle Trip (more information below)
Special/Optional Activities
Body of Knowledge Workshop
Tuesday, May 27, 2:00pm
Driftmier Engineering Center Room 1240, University of Georgia
​Hosted by the Body of Knowledge Committee, this workshop will provide an overview of the newly approved ABET Ecological Engineering (EcoE) criteria and the draft EcoE Body of Knowledge (BOK). Workshop leaders will demonstrate how the criteria can be met with example curricula. Additionally, workshop participants will have the opportunity to work directly with BOK committee members to adapt their curricula and/or individual course content to the new ABET criteria using the BOK.
Creature Comforts Social
Tuesday, May 27, 6:00pm
Creature Comforts Taproom, Downtown Athens
25th Anniversary Celebratory Dinner
Wednesday, May 28, 6:30-9:00pm
The Chapel, 100 Prince Avenue, Athens, GA 30601
​Join us for a celebratory dinner and awards ceremony celebrating 25 years of AEES!
Business Meeting Lunch
Friday, May 30, 11:45am-1:30pm
The Classic Center, Athena F​​
Join us to discuss the past year of AEES's accomplishments, elections, and membership growth, plus a look at upcoming events and news. All attendees are welcome.
Certified Ecological Designer Workshop
Paddle Trip
Saturday, May 31, 1:00pm
Location TBD​
​Dan Hitchcock, Ph.D., P.E., will lead participants down a river in kayaks! More information come.